
Important work is progressing at all participating institutions of the SuperCDMS SNOLAB project. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has overall responsibility for the detector payload (detectors and associated cryogenic mechanics and electronics) and offline computing for the experiment. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is responsible for the cryogenics infrastructure and the detector shielding—both will enable searching for faint WIMP signals in an environment dominated by much stronger unwanted background signals. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory will lend its expertise in understanding background noise in highly sensitive precision experiments. A number of US universities are involved in various aspects of the project, including detector fabrication, tests, data analysis and simulation.
The project also benefits from international partnerships with institutions in Canada, France, the UK and India. The Canadian partners are leading the development of the experiment’s data acquisition and will provide the infrastructure at SNOLAB.
Click on the map markers to see the SuperCDMS collaborators:
List of Collaborators
* Associate member institutions